is a centre of excellence for the design and manufacture of professional Electron Guns for various applications.
High end Cathode Ray Tubes for avionic and special applications, RHEED Electron Systems and X-Ray Guns for medical and industrial purposes benefit from our expertise in electron-optics calculations and precision manufacturing.

Dr. GASSLER ELECTRON DEVICES traces back to the Ulm plant of the old traditional German company AEG, which was sold to Thomson CSF, that became Thales, and finally was acquired by Samtel.
Today Dr. GASSLER ELECTRON DEVICES is based on a management buy-out with all the know-how of our employees and offers more than 70 years of experience in the custom design of high precision electron guns, components and complete systems.
By using our know-how in the design of electron guns for new applications, we can guarantee also the future support of legacy avionic platforms. We keep CRTs from becoming obsolete components.